In today's dynamic business environment, optimizing the supply chain is crucial for staying competitive. Logistics outsourcing offers a powerful solution, but making the right decisions is essential.
This webinar equips participants with the knowledge to unlock the full potential of logistics outsourcing. It explores cutting-edge techniques that go beyond traditional methods, allowing for data-driven choices and effective management of uncertainties. Learn about Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Mathematical Programming, and Artificial Intelligence—powerful tools that can transform your logistics outsourcing strategies.
Additionally, a case study will be shared to showcase how these techniques can be practically implemented. Participants will gain insights into navigating the complexities of the decision-making process and take their logistics outsourcing strategy to the next level in today's competitive landscape.
Making Informed Decisions in Complex Supply Chains:
The Application of Advanced Techniques for Logistics Outsourcing"
7月10日周三晚20:00 - 21:30,思考猫网络研讨会本期嘉宾将与您分享

Postdoctoral Fellow at the
MIT Global SCALE Network’s Ningbo China
Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (NISCI). His main research interests are supply chain digitalization, warehouse operation management, shipping and port management, and port hinterland connectivity.
He has published extensively on such topics as analyzing thedevelopment of seaports, inland container depots - ICD, dry ports, and hinterland networks in Southeast Asia. Before working at NISCI, He was Warehouse Manager of TI LOGIS, Korea, which provides logistics solutions for many multinational enterprises in the semiconductor & biotechnology industry, such as Thermo Fisher Scientific, Entegris, CMC Materials, and ASM International.
He obtained his Ph.D. in Logistics Management from Incheon National University, Korea. His dissertation deployed multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) in a fuzzy environment to investigate the determinants in prior implementations of dry port construction and find the order of priority for dry port construction.
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