
邀请函:SAP Ariba Contract Management Solution Implementation (Session 2)— 18170 Sep 5, Wednesday (50% off member)【Webniar】
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合同管理是供应链管理体系里最为重要的一个组成部分。无论从采购的前期准备,到中期的采购竞标过程,以及最后合同生成管理及控制都有着不同层次的需求。作为全球十大最出色的合同周期管理的系统, SAP Ariba Contract Management System 就能兼顾从采购合同管理,到生产成本,以及销售合同的一条龙,成为一个合同管理的中央型处理系统。计算机集成系统的采购是所有计算机产品采购里最为复杂的过程。从计算机的硬件,软件,ERP资源模块都有涉及。也增加了Solution解决方案复杂性和对项目执行的难度。这些因素都会加大采购过程的复杂化和不可控制因素。





Contract Management system plays a key role in entire supply chain management roadmap for enterprises. Whether the pre-award or award segmentations and post contract management are all important to supply chain management process.

Nowadays, SAP Ariba Contract Management solution is one of the top 10 contract management system in the world. Procurement contracts accommodate the sum of goods and services owed the company. Sales contracts detail commitments to customers and revenue expectations. And internal contracts chronicle agreements within the originations. 

Why SAP Ariba Contracts?

The SAP Ariba Contracts solution helps legal, finance, procurement, and sales operations professionals tasked with driving contract management to manage all type of agreements, including procurement, sales, and internal contracts.

In this case, my company implemented SAP Ariba pre-award and award component to capture all vendors information and RFx process documentations. Now it is time to close out the contract management life cycle last step with post contract management. The rational of choosing SAP Ariba Contracts Management system because they help develop best value agreements by addressing the two major components of the contract lifecycle: contract management from contract request, contract authoring, and workflows to address the contracting process, negotiation and approval, and contract execution with electronic signatures. In addition to that, it also includes all ongoing compliance and performance management through task-driven reminders, search and reporting capabilities, and contract -renewal activities

On session 1 webinar (July 25), I will present SAP Ariba Contract Management Solution sourcing plan and supplier solicitations process.

On session 2 webinar (Sep 5), you also will have opportunities to learn how to evaluate solution-based IT project commercially and contract the IT project on a cloud-based solution. Finally, the solution implementation project will have many supplier involvements including software, licensing, tools and server services providers. We will provide vendor management process to elevate to another level of project management.

合同管理是供应链管理体系里最为重要的一个组成部分。无论从采购的前期准备,到中期的采购竞标过程,以及最后合同生成管理及控制都有着不同层次的需求。作为全球十大最出色的合同周期管理的系统, SAP Ariba Contract Management System 就能兼顾从采购合同管理,到生产成本,以及销售合同的一条龙,成为一个合同管理的中央型处理系统。计算机集成系统的采购是所有计算机产品采购里最为复杂的过程。从计算机的硬件,软件,ERP资源模块都有涉及。也增加了Solution解决方案复杂性和对项目执行的难度。这些因素都会加大采购过程的复杂化和不可控制因素。

此次SCOM分享课程,我们再次有幸邀请到了Senior strategic sourcing specialist -Sharen Chen她将专题系列分享从采购合同管理系统入手,从计算机信息技术项目采购的角度直击整个项目战略采购过程。所有课程均以全英文授课,中文问题解答, 不可多得的双语实战演讲会。




1.     Commercial Evaluation

· Normalization bids

· Commercial Terms & Conditions

2.     Negotiation Process

· Negotiation objectives and goals

· Negotiation plan

· Negotiation method

· Negotiation term’s & Conditions and compliance

· Negotiation result (cost savings, cost avoidance, discount and other mutual benefits)

3.     Contracting Solution based IT Projects

· Master Service Agreement key challenges for cloud 

· IT Data Protection and Disaster plan

· Cloud based Service Level Agreement key considerations

4.     Vendor Management

· Vendor management roadmap

·  Integrate multiple level of services provided by different vendors

·  Manage vendor relationships

5.     Lesson & Learned

· OCM (Organizational Change Management) Approach

· Trainer’s training objectives and plan

· Ender users’ training plan

6、    Q & A


Sharen Chen

 Senior strategic sourcing specialist


  • Mount Royal University / Bachelor of Business Administration in Supply Chain Management and General Business (Alberta, Canada)

  • Certified Member of ISM in Professional Supply Management Program (USA)

  • Certified Member of Supply Chain Management Association (Canada)

Areas of Expertise

  • Project Procurement & Contract Management in Engineering & Construction and Information Technology professional services

  • SCM business analytics and spend analysis and its reporting

  • Strategic sourcing in IT outsourcing services and software renewal categories

Sharen obtained bachelor of computer science degree in China in the late 90’s and worked in a number of joint venture companies on IT solution architecture and left to go to Canada to gain future opportunities in 2003. After her first job at one of the largest retailers in Canada in SCM operations in the distribution center; she transited her career to the oil and gas sector and has become a professional procurement contract administrator. In her years of experience, Sharen has had significant experience in contract formation, execution and administration, particularly in engineering and facility or pipeline construction projects. Currently, as a strategic sourcing role in the IT field in order to design and implement long term procurement planning to support a corporation-wide IT technology upgrade, infrastructure services, operation services and platform innovation contract management.

Sharen has spent more than 14 years in Canada, and has adapted well to local culture. Furthermore, Sharen not only in expertise of procurement and contract management, but also provide business consulting services to companies which are planning to explore Canadian market. Sharen is fluent in Mandarin and English as well as writing.

