
DDMRP: 为人类的不完美而创建
来源: | 作者:Chad Smith(主译:张海燕 校对:沈亚骏) | 发布时间: 1423天前 | 12213 次浏览 | 分享到:


Chad Smith   需求驱动理念引领者




First things first – Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP) is NOT a silver bullet. DDMRP is based on sound flow-based principles to provide planning and execution performance improvements in variable environments where customer tolerance times are dramatically shorter than cumulative lead times (a situation that is very common today).

 It is really that simple. DDMRP is a methodology that gives people a step by step blueprint that is transparent, easy to interpret, intuitive, consistent, and sustainable. Let’s go through each of these important characteristics one by one.



它真的很简单,DDMPR 就是一个方法论,能够帮助人们逐步建立一个蓝图体系,这个蓝图体系是透明的、易理解的、直观的、有一致性的且可持续性的方法论。让我们一个一个来分析解读这些重要的特质。


– a body of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline: a particular procedure or set of procedures [1]

DDMRP can best be summarized as “Position, Protect, and Pull” with five components meant to be implemented in sequence and sustained together. Are the components of DDMRP radical new ideas? For the most part no. Many of the components of DDMRP are known and even generally accepted terms and practices but they have been reconciled together with a few key innovations to make them work properly. These innovations include decoupled lead time, the net flow equation, decoupled explosion and priority by buffer status (as opposed to due date). With DDMRP the whole is much greater than the sum of its parts. DDMRP is not about forgetting what you know, it is about building on what you know and bringing in other great ideas – AND not OR!




DDMRP 可以被归纳总结为“布局,保护及拉动式”,并通过五个要素来持续有序进行。DDMRP 的元素是全新的概念吗?大部分不是。许多DDMPR 的元素是我们早已所熟知并且是广泛接受的条款及惯例,但是做了一些重要创新使他们协同一致并正确地运行下去。这些创新变革包括解耦前置期,净流量方程、解耦式展开以及通过缓冲状态来确定优先级等(对比以前按照到期日的逻辑)。DDMPR 比以前单纯的物料汇总求和提高了很多,在整体上超越了这些概念现有的范围。DDMRP不是让你忘掉你所知道的已知概念,而是在你原有知识的基础上引入更先进更好的理念。---- 是同时而不是二选一。


–characterized by visibility or accessibility of information especially concerning business practices[2]

Let’s face it, people tend mistrust what they don’t understand or can’t see – especially when their job is on the line. Planners and buyers with any amount of experience will go to extreme lengths to try to gain visibility to relevant information – they will not just blindly do what the computer system tells them to do. DDMRP was developed with this in mind. Its equations are simple, intuitive and straight forward allowing planners and buyer to immediately determine why planning and execution recommendations are or are not being made. Its planning equation answers, in an elegant straightforward format, the four questions planners really care about:

1.      What do I have?

2.      What do I have in the pipeline coming to me?

3.      What demand do I need to fulfill immediately?

4.      What future demand is relevant?




让我们面对一个事实,现实生活中人们总是倾向于不信任他们不了解或者看不见的东西--- 尤其是需要让他们的工作承担责任及风险的部分。无论多少年经验的计划员和采购员总是希望到终端获取清晰可见的相关信息。--- 他们不希望盲目地操作计算机系统告诉他们去操作的东西。DDMRP在开发时考虑到了这一点,它的方程式非常简单、直观,可以让计划员和采购员直截了当地做出采纳或者不采纳计划及建议。它的计划方程式用直截了当并优美的格式回答了计划员真正关心的四个问题:

1. 在手库存多少?

2. 即将到货的在途库存多少?

3. 需要立即满足的需求是多少?


Ease of Interpretation

–to give or provide the meaning of; explain; explicate; elucidate[3]

DDMRP uses intuitive colors and percentages to indicate the current and future status of critical protection points. Color gives a general reference while the percentage gives a discrete reference for prioritization. This allows planners and buyers to quickly determine which items require resupply or attention.




DDMPR 使用直观的颜色和百分比来标识出当前及未来关键保护的状态,颜色供总体性参考,同时百分比给出了优先次序的个别性参考,这样能够使得计划员或者采购员迅速决定哪些项目需要再补货或者提请关注。


–using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive[4]

Because it is transparent and easy to interpret most people find it highly intuitive. An inexperienced planner or buyer can have immediate effectiveness within a DDMRP system. An experienced planner or buyer can refocus their time to work on improving the DDMRP model’s overall performance and therefore directly contribute to driving better company ROI.




由于透明且易于理解,所以对大多数人而言它非常直观。即便是一个不太有经验的计划员或者采购员也能迅速有效掌握DDMPR 系统。而那些有经验的计划员或者采购员则可以聚焦在通过改善DDMRP模型,把时间投入到提高公司的整体绩效上,从而给公司带来更好的投资回报率。


–constantly adhering to the same principles, course, form, etc.[5]

The DDMRP approach allows for planning and purchasing personnel to speak the same language across a department, multiple plants and even companies. This eliminates the typical individualized or fragmented approaches to planning and execution that are common place in most companies. With this consistency comes better potential for consensus and clarity about new directions and innovations for the supply chain function.




DDMPR 的运用能够使计划和采购人员在跨部门、工厂甚至公司之间使用同样的语言,它消除了各大公司在计划及执行层面的点状分布及碎片式管理模式的弊端,这种情况在绝大多数公司中相当普遍及典型。这种一致性带来了更大的潜力,令供应链职能部门在规划新目标及创新中,达成清晰的共识。


–able to be maintained or kept going, as an action or process[6]

A key for sustaining anything is that people have to actually continue to use it. People use what they trust! People will trust something more when it is transparent, easy to interpret, intuitive, and consistent.  Furthermore, these attributes make it much easier to sustain performance with other personnel when critical personnel leave or are temporarily unavailable. This just makes sense from a risk mitigation perspective. This also has the impact of dramatically reducing stress for planning personnel and with it reducing personnel turnover.





Are there other ways to get better in planning and supply chain than to implement DDMRP? OF COURSE! Are those methods transparent, easy to interpret, intuitive, consistent, sustainable and systemic packages? Not in our experience. Many are piece meal “ala-carte” solutions relying heavily on "black-box" algorithms or a few key employees or consultants to work their unique magic act. There are a few things that should always be asked with regard to these initiatives



1. If they are ala-carte, do they really effectively work together without creating critical gaps? Are they even consistent in their own fundamental approach or even something as simple (but not trivial) as company vernacular?

2. If they are ala-carte what is the combined spend to acquire, implement and maintain them?

3. Are they relatively quick to implement and get immediate results?

4. For all these companies that have done these ala-carte tools, how well are these tools driving and sustaining service level improvement, working capital control and expedite expense minimization all at the same time?


1. 如果是一次性快餐式的解决方案,它们真的能够让大家一起有效合作而不产生重大的分歧吗?他们是否在基本原则上具有一致性?甚至和工作中的口语一样简单(但是不琐碎)?

2.  如果它们是一次性快餐式解决方案,购买支出的综合费用、实施费用以及维护费用是多少?

3. 它们可以迅速实施并马上见效吗?

4. 所有那些采用了这种一次性快餐工具方法的公司,这些工具是否驱动可持续的服务水平提升?整个过程中,运营资金是否得到控制,以及提升费用最小化?

DDMRP is a beginning not an end. It is a significant starting step to a much larger transformation into becoming a Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise. DDMRP quickly produces significant results, reinforcing and proving the doctrine of flow. DDMRP provides the confidence for an organization to keep going – to continue to strip out the common nonsense and build practical management systems and metrics based on flow that facilitate true return on investment in a highly complex and

volatile world. DDMRP is not a silver bullet. It is, however, a more appropriate, safe and reliable planning and execution method.



Here is what you need to have in order to START with DDMRP:


1. A brain – DDMRP requires teams of people to use their experience and intuition together within a common and sensible framework. DDMRP is more about thoughtware than it is hardware or software.

1. 大脑 – DDMPR需要各团队成员在一个通用且合理的框架结构下运用他们的经验及直觉。相比较于硬件或者软件,DDMRP更是一种思维理念。

2. A non-scientific calculator – the equations are simple and straightforward. None are above a sixth grade math level. Simple and straight forward equations, however, should not be mistaken as naïve and ineffective. Math is, has been and always will be contextual. Simplicity applied in the right places can be extremely effective – in science and mathematics this is called “elegance”.

These two things can get you and your team to a point where you will be ready to explore more deeply how to apply DDMRP method in your environment.

2. 一个非科学计算器 --- 方程式简单且直接,没有一个公式超过了六年级的数学水平,然而不代表缺乏经验和无效。数学,总是在情境中使用。只要简单地将之应用在正确之处,就会极为有效。这是科学和数学的艺术。


Ultimately, supply chain professionals and executives should make an informed decision about whether DDMRP can offer value for their enterprise. Usually the only wrong answer is an uninformed answer. 


So why not explore DDMRP? DDMRP is past the early adopter phase. The political risk to try DDMRP has largely been removed as it has moved into the mainstream. DDMRP is now a rich technical modeling, planning and execution method supported by many text books, educational programs, academic research, professional certificates and well known ERP and point solution software products. It has produced consistent and significant results across a wide array of industries including aerospace, consumer products, bio-tech, electronics, heavy assembly, retail, machining and fabrication and distribution.

所以为什么不来探讨研究DDMRP?  DDMRP 已经经过了早期的适应磨合阶段,使用DDMRP的政治风险已不复存在并且它已经步入了主流趋势阶段。DDMRP现在有丰富的技术模型;有教科书、培训教程;有专业研究团队,有专业资格认证的计划和执行方法,以及众所周知的ERP端点解决方案的软件产品。它在广泛的行业应用里持续发展并且取得了卓越成效。这些行业包括航天、消费品、生物科技、电子、装配重工、零售、机械加工及制造以及分拨领域。


The DDMRP page at the Demand Driven Institute website that includes a professionally produced ten minute video introduction to DDMRP:https://www.demanddriveninstitute.com/ddmrp

DDMRP Case studies (videos and presentations) from dozens of companies including Michelin and British Telecom: 


Information on the Demand Driven Planner (DDP) Program (including personal stories about what people were able to accomplish with the education): 





[3] Definition of interpretation at


[4] https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/intuitive

[6] http://www.dictionary.com/browse/consistent





